Friday, April 26, 2019

A Near-Drowning Experience Story: I Miraculously Survived a Near Drowning When I Was 10

By Lingling

I am a young Christian. My mother started to believe in God before I was born, and I was growing up in the company of God’s words. Every night, I would drift into sleep listening to God’s words or the hymns of God’s word.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

2019 Beautiful Praise and Worship Song | "The Life of Man Cannot Be Without God's Sovereignty"

2019 Beautiful Praise and Worship Song | "The Life of Man Cannot Be Without God's Sovereignty" | Gospel hymn

Not a thing, not a man can be without 
the rule, the sovereignty of God. 
Man’s life or life in flesh would be no more 
without God’s rule and provisions. 
This is the import of God’s establishment 
of environments for man’s survival.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

2 Reasons Why God Allowed Satan to Test Job

By Li Zhi

I believe that everyone knows well the story of Job. When his property was all taken away, his servants were murdered and his children had their lives taken, Job still revered God and shunned evil and didn’t sin with his tips. Moreover, he said a famous saying that cowed Satan, “Jehovah gave, and Jehovah has taken away; blessed be the name of Jehovah” (Job 1:21).

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Best Praise and Worship Song "God's Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless"

2019 Christian Worship Song | "God's Hopes for Mankind Have Not Changed" (Lyrics) When Abraham offered Isaac, God saw his sincerity and obedience clearly, and he passed God’s test successfully. But of being God’s close friend and one who knew God, still he was far from worthy. And God’s disposition he couldn’t see. He was far from being of one mind with God and doing His will.

Her Story of How to Save Her Marriage After His Betrayal

By Jiamei

Her Husband’s Online Entanglement Raises a Red Flag

“Uncle, none of that online chatting stuff is real. There are lots of people now using that to cheat people, how could there be anyone there that really wants to meet you?”

Monday, April 22, 2019

Best Praise and Worship Song "God’s Expectation of Mankind Has Never Been Changed"

"God’s Love and Essence Has Always Been Selfless 
God gives His best, His best side He gives. 
The best things, very best things, He gives. 

Never disclosing or showing His suffering. 
God, He endures, waiting in silence. 
Not cold or numb, not a sign of weakness. 
God’s essence and His love are always selfless. 
God gives His best, His best side He gives. 
The best things, very best things, He gives. 
For all mankind, He suffers; He suffers, bearing quietly. 
Quietly He gives, He gives His best.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Who Is a Truly Righteous Man in God’s Eyes?

By Chengshi

The Lord Jesus said, “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43). These words tell us that only righteous man can enter God’s kingdom, and enjoy the blessings of the heavenly kingdom. So what kind of people are righteous? Most Christians reckon that as long as we accept the Lord Jesus’ salvation, persistently attend meetings, often pray and read the Bible, show others tolerance, patience and love, can suffer, work, trek and expend, we will then be righteous man in God’s eyes and be people after God’s heart. Is this view right? Does it accord with the Lord’s will? It’s necessary to fellowship about this topic, because only if we correctly understand the standard for being righteous man can we seek in accordance with God’s requirements and enter the kingdom of heaven in the end. Let’s fellowship about this issue.

Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible" | Can We Gain Eternal Life by Keeping to the Bible?

Christian Crosstalk "Going Outside the Bible" | Can We Gain Eternal Life by Keeping to the Bible? 

Xiang Yang works at a house church, and just like many religious believers, he thinks that God's words and work are all in the Bible, that believing in the Lord means believing in the Bible, that the Bible represents the Lord, and that if he abides by the Bible, he will enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life. Brother Zhang Yi, who has just accepted God's work of the last days, has doubts about this view. The two engage in a humorous debate: Are all of God's words and work really in the Bible? Does the Bible really represent the Lord? By keeping to the Bible, can we enter the kingdom of heaven and gain eternal life? To find out the answers, please watch the crosstalk Going Outside the Bible. 

Do You Know the Secret to Welcoming the Lord’s Return?

By Guo Jin

One morning in early summer, a fiery red sun rose from the east. After breakfast, Zhao Yu remembered that she had made an appointment with Sister Zhou Hui and Sister Fang Xia in their church that day; looking at the clock and realizing that she would be late, she hurried to the church. As soon as she came into the room, she heard Sister Zhou Hui and Sister Fang Xia discussing something.

Friday, April 19, 2019

FOB Spotlight: The Persecution of The Church of Almighty God in China

Eastern Lightning | FOB Spotlight: The Persecution of The Church of Almighty God in China

On February 4, 2019, the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) held a conference in Florence, Italy to promote its most recent publication: Law and Freedom of Belief in Europe: an arduous journey. This book is an exploration of how to effectively protect the freedom of belief and religious freedoms of immigrants to Europe from across the world through legal means. This includes the situation of religious persecution in China and the issue of refugees belonging to The Church of Almighty God (CAG) who fled China due to religious persecution. Riccardo Migliori, Past President of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), introduced the book to our reporter before the conference.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

2019 Full Christian Movie "It's Good to Believe in God" | God Has Given Me a Happy Life

2019 Full Free Christian Movie Online "It's Good to Believe in God" | God Has Given Me a Happy Life 

To earn enough money to live a good life, Ding Ruilin and her husband put in bitterly hard work to open and run a business. But, thanks to the CCP government's exploitation and abuse, they remain heavily in debt, and have no choice but to go abroad to work. To make more money, Ding Ruilin takes on two jobs. The heavy burden of her work and the indifference of the people around her make her realize the pain and helplessness of living for money. In the midst of her pain and confusion, she meets high school classmate Lin Zhixin.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Studying Eastern Lightning and Welcoming the Return of the Lord (Part 2)

By Jianchi, Taiwan

Why Has God Become Flesh to Perform His Work in the Last Days?

The brother went on, saying, “So then, why does the Lord have to appear and work in the flesh when He returns in the last days, and not appear and work directly in the resurrected spiritual body? In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus performed the work of redemption.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Studying Eastern Lightning and Welcoming the Return of the Lord (Part 1)

By Jianchi, Taiwan

I’d believed in the Lord for 28 years as a member of a local church, and because I believed the negative publicity of the church, I almost missed my chance to welcome the return of the Lord Jesus. If it hadn’t been for God’s mercy, then I would have lost my one and only chance to attain true salvation. My experiences brought me to earnestly appreciate that, only by being a wise virgin, taking the initiative to seek the truth and focusing on listening to God’s voice can we welcome the appearance of God.